Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Best Song Ever: Monster Mash

MP3: Bobby 'Boris' Pickett - Monster Mash

Once a year it is a holiday novelty song, but the rest of the time "Monster Mash" is an amazing and effective pop song.

It's always good when a nipple makes the cover.

Is it correct to assume that since there is no third "e", the emphasis placed back on the first syllable resulting in the pronunciation of the "weakened"?

Let's all talk about how great True Widow is.

MP3: True Widow - Skull Eyes

Holy shit, I don't know how everyone isn't going apeshit over how great this record is: "As High as the Highest Heavens and from the Center to the Circumference of the Earth" is brand new from Texas-trio True Widow, and it's entirely bad ass.

Sludgegaze? Shoedrone? Labels and genres are silly. Cop this on vinyl now from Kemado Records.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Best Song Ever: I'm So Young

MP3: The Beach Boys - I'm So Young

Seeing as how vocal harmonies peaked in the 1960s (bar Huey Lewis' "Naturally"), it's no real surprise that Wilson clan was going to be the feature of this post. Also, it kind of coincides with the announcement that "Smile" will see it's officially. Bereft of bias, this song is fucking amazing, with, it's even better. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Zond - Choam
MP3: Zond - Face In Grey

How do you describe the sound of Melbourne, Australia’s Zond? Easy: you don't. You just take in the sweat, the fog, the dirt, the piss and the goddamned evil and you will love it.

Kemado just issued Zond's self titled LP in the States (between this and the release of Beaches on their Mexican Summer imprint the company is killing it in Aussie badassery) on some pretty impressive and sexy vinyl wax: 500 pressed on fold-over raw craft paper with metallic silver print sleeve. Cop it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

FUCK YEAH: Who do you think you are?

MP3: Clockcleaner - Blood Driver
MP3: Clockcleaner - NSA

Philadelphia's Clockcleaner just had their seminal 2006 debut "Nevermind" issued on vinyl for the first time from the good folks at Fan Death Records and the world is much better for it. Certainly the band has only improved since it's release (their last ep on Load especially is a gigantic highlight), but for a starting point it's pretty right on and way better than most anything else. So yeah, it's more punk than sludge but that's fucking great, so check it out and snag yourself a copy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

HOT TRAXXX: Formerly Games

MP3: Ford & Lopatin - Emergency Room

Seems like the HOT TRAXXX posts are dedicated to bands who change their names to prevent any possible lawsuits: Ford & Lopatin used to be Games. Now they're not. Is the lesson to always choose a unique and complicated band name? Probably, yeah.

But I digress: Games were always on the lips of my peers, but I hadn't heard them myself until a friend gave me a mix tape he made with them on it. The same mix tape from a friend that produced this. Of course it stood out because it was the only song like it on the entire playlist, but it didn't hurt that it was also really, really good.

So they changed their name, created a label called Software under the umbrella of Mexican Summer and are releasing their debut full length "Channel Pressure" come June 7th. That's the cover art above, and this song (like what you see up there) is out of this world. Love that 1980's view of the future!

New Bill Callahan: Baby's Breath

MP3: Bill Callahan - Baby's Breath

We were pretty much dying to get any kind of audible glimpse into Bill Callahan's forthcoming "Apocalypse" album, and today the Drag City gods were kind enough to it's worshipers to deliver the goods.

"Baby's Breath" is the 2nd song on Callahan's coming April 19th LP, and of course: it's amazing. Was there any doubt of that? BC has been getting better with every album and 2009's "Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle" more than cemented his status of perfect songwriters.

So yeah, I know this song was going to be awesome and no shocker it's better than that. Awesome isn't even a good enough word for this, and I can't wait to hear more from this opus of the American badlands.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

HOT TRAXXX: Fire Night

MP3: Cliffie Swan - Fire Night

Welcome to a new feature! Everyone loves new features right? Well, I think they're pretty cool at least. HOT TRAXXX is essentially kin to "The Best Song Ever", except it features more current music (re: under 5 years old? I don't know yet, you know we like to keep shit loose here) and are digested further by us in our personal lives, maybe we've been listening to a song a lot? We should check our iTunes play count? Whatever, before it gets nuts: just party on!

Cliffie Swan used to be called Lights until that got crazy confusing. During that time, back in 2009, they put out a record called "Rites" on Drag City. It always feels weird re-tagging already released music with a new band name, but seeing as I got into them post-Lights, I figured I'd give it a shot. Anyway, this song (and video) rule a whole fucking ton.

PLUS! Relevant news: member Sophia Knapp released a new 7 inch single today for "Nothing to Lose", also on DC. Get that here: I bet it's awesome. Anyone have a download?

FUCK NO: Commercial Trap

MP3: Wiz Khalifa - No Sleep

I still find it a strange phenomenon when, once an emcee signs with a major label, they most likely proceed to release an album of party rap—each song purposefully purports itself to be an anthem. Hooks and cheese (and not the money colloquialism) are turned up to eleven, lyrical content tends to focus on simplistic themes and dire rhyme schemes, and the beats are always danceable to some extent. I guess I'm just more surprised that there's such a minimal effort to counter the trend. It's mostly likely purely a marketing move, but Wiz Khalifa has easily succumbed to that even more on his awful new album "Rolling Papers"; one can hope he can earn a living from the singles this record produces, because he surely has no integrity left for subsistence.

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Cults: You Know What I Mean

New song from Cults' upcoming debut LP in May: Only listened once, but it sounded pretty righteous. Real breezy, like a nice spring afternoon or something. Check it out.

Green Scene

MP3: Colleen Green - Dance the Night Away
MP3: Colleen Green - Y Do U Call Me?

My pal Allison turned me onto Colleen Green's music and comics recently and boy am I glad. The sweet comics can be found here, and the 2 songs featured today are from her new 7 inch "Green One" out now on Hardly Art. It's 4 songs and they all rule, so get one!

Friday, March 18, 2011

FUCK YEAH: You shall die by your own evil creation!

MP3: Birds of Maya - Heavy on Sunday

Birds of Maya are from Philadelphia, and they perform some pretty drenched rock and roll. This song, the near 23 minute closer to last year's "Ready to Howl", will take real good care of you. This is what you put in your belly on a Friday night.

See you next week.

David Bowie Fridays: The Width of a Circle

MP3: David Bowie - The Width of a Circle


Thursday, March 17, 2011

FUCK YEAH: That woman is possessed!

MP3: Earthless - Demon Lady

A while back I posted Danava's song from their split with Earthless and Lecherous Gaze and it ripped! Today I bring you "Demon Lady" by the aforementioned Earthless who rule quite a lot. Serious buy this split, it brings the fun back to the concept and the whole thing jams hard. Fuck yeah!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

All Doggs Go to Heaven.

MP3: Mos Def, Pharoahe Monch, & Nate Dogg - Oh No

Horrible loss to the music community with the death of Nate Dogg. He could certainly hold his own, and was without a doubt the king of hooks. To think of all the summer anthems without Nate on the chorus is very depressing. Today, a song and a video, both the most important ND appearances to me. Ripped for his RIP.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bleached but not ruined.

Los Angeles' Ooga Booga store has been a great mail order resource for years and I am happy to see they've entered the record label business. Their first release? The debut 7 inch from Bleached, featuring Jennifer (Cold Cave, Mika Miko) and Jessie (Mika Miko) Clavin. It's limited to 500 copies on black wax and from the song "No Friend of Mine", it sounds pretty fuckin' ripped too!

Buy yours here!

The Best Song Ever: I Was a Teenage Werewolf

MP3: The Cramps - I Was a Teenage Werewolf

Love, love, love the Cramps, and one of their catalogue highlights for me has always been "I Was a Teenage Werewolf" from 1980's debut "Songs the Lord Taught Us". I love the drone, the evil and the vileness of the tune, all of which are in full effect in the YouTube video you see above. Glad to see that was out there, it's digital existence is a true compliment to the 21st century.

Monday, March 14, 2011

FUCK YEAH: NWA.........what??...G!

Hilarious nomenclature aside, Oakland enigma(s) Niggas With Guitars create some beautiful droning songs, and have put out a smattering of releases over the last couple of years via numerous formats. Get your mind right.

Friday, March 11, 2011

GO TEAM: Nord & Syd

MP3: Nord & Syd - Äckla Mig

Nord & Syd is a rather mysterious and unsurprisingly excellent band from Sweden, featuring my friend David Nygård (who is also in the mighty Laakso) and Martin Abrahamsson of the Vapnet/Sibieria/Kommun fame. He told me about this project a few months back, and the songs are catchy and beautiful. All very mellow, with that Nordic air about them—no matter how sunny, it's always a bit cold (perhaps also due to the hands of Abrahamsson). Hop on over to their Soundcloud page, which they've updated with an even newer song. Enjoy.

David Bowie Fridays: Quicksand

MP3: David Bowie - Quicksand


Video: Get Away

Originally it seemed like Yuck's debut album was very good but probably wouldn't have much lasting power after it's release, but they've proved us quite wrong. It's really fucking great. This is their new video for opener "Get Away", the second best song on the record ("The Wall" takes the blue ribbon of course).

FUCK YEAH: Wild Flag

Here's a live video clip from Wild Flag's show at The Rock Shop in Brooklyn. If you're like us, you also cannot wait for the ladies to drop their expected bad-ass full length on us all.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

On you.

MP3: The Hex Dispensers - One Less Ghost

Hey guys, turning this one in late. Sorry, it's been mad crazy. Tomorrow you will be bombarded by posts, in the meantime enjoy this killer track by the very awesome Hex Dispensers.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Friend's mixes

MP3: Rodolfo Con Los Hispanos - Cariñito

Similar to Joey's jamb-point-five find, this song was featured on my friend Bill's January 2011. Sickness.

The Best Song Ever: Don't Drag No More

MP3: Susan Lynne - Don't Drag No More

Taken from the endless well that is Rhino's 2005 "One Kiss Can Lead to Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost and Found" 4 disc compilation, Susan Lynne's "Don't Drag No More" is pure pop bliss. I'm sure today's youth could relate to this song possibly played over a projection of 2Fast2Furious: Tokyo Drift?


MP3: Billy Bao - My Life is Shit

This was on a friend's mix. Fuckin' crazy.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Fever Ray - The Wolf

I like Fever Ray because she sounds so goddamned evil. Her paycheck/contribution to the upcoming the-money-you-spent-on-this-movie-is-insane-for-such-a-dumb-idea-it-could-feed-third-world-countries-on-the-budget-and-that-includes-the-price-of-movie-tickets "Red Riding Hood" film is also evil sounding, so really nothing has changed and all is well.

Download "The Wolf" from us now and then wait patiently for a new FR LP.

"Every martyr in this jungle is gonna get his wish!"

Well crazy folks, indie stalwarts The Mountain Goats have a new record coming out at the end of the month, and here we are happy to share a track from it with you. "Estate Sale Sign" finds one of John Darnielle's most manic deliveries in recent albums, reminiscent to Tallahassee's more wrenched moments. Also, the tempo may help and drive the hurried feeling.

New Explosions in the Sky: Trembling Hands

MP3: Explosions in the Sky - Trembling Hands

I was just thinking about when the last Explosions in the Sky album came out and where I was in the world. That was a long fucking time ago, dudes!

"Trembling Hands" is the first single from "Take Care, Take Care, Take Care", their new one out April 26th from the lately underrated Temporary Residence. Right out the gate it's upbeat, which is kinda nuts. Anyway, IT'S GREAT! Why don't I listen to instrumental bliss more often? I'm always really happy when I do.

The album cover for this kinda sucks though. Anyway, I've provided a download for the song, but I don't think it's the best quality. A hi-res Soundcloud stream has been included and when I can find a better sounding file, I'll replace this one and erase this text. Word? Word.

New Marissa Nadler: Baby, I Will Leave You in the Morning

MP3: Marissa Nadler - Baby, I Will Leave You in the Morning

Marissa Nadler, aka the greatest, has released the first taste from her upcoming self-titled, self-released, Kickstarter funded full length.

It's awesome. There really isn't more to say, other than I can't wait for this one.

Monday, March 07, 2011

The Best Song Ever: Twistin' the Night Away

Sam Cooke - Twistin' the Night Away

Alright boppers, here's a little something to get you moving and grooving through the hustle and bustle that is Monday. Stay strong: we are with you.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Close the Door Lightly When You Go

Beachwood Sparks - Close the Door Lightly When You Go

Speaking of Mascis, remember when the Beachwood Sparks recorded "Once We Were Trees" in his studio? And he played on it? That was cool.

Here's a song from those sessions, which appeared on the Rough Trade single for "By Your Side". Essential listening/have a great weekend everyone!

(PS: The Calming Seas has video of the Sparks live on Spanish television from back in the day! Check it:

All purple, all the time.

MP3: J Mascis - Serveral Shades of Why

For some reason I wasn't sure if I was gonna dig J Mascis' acoustic album, which is silly because he always rips and I saw him one time in Amherst plug his acoustic guitar into a pedal and just noodle amazing shit for a half hour straight. And he was fucked up.

And whew, the album is really great! It's AS great as this video interview:

Here's to sunnier daze.

MP3: Summer Camp - I Want You

WOW! I had never heard Summer Camp before the release of their new hit single "I Want You" but this shit is pretty all right! This will appear on an upcoming full length out later this year. But yeah this song is airtight, I can't wait to hear this album!

For those SXSW bound, they'll be there so seek them out! Get googling!

David Bowie Fridays: Subterraneans

MP3: David Bowie - Subterraneans


Thursday, March 03, 2011


Fag Cop - Hardon Crime

So I downloaded the newest Fag Cop 7 inch which we'll call "Ex-Fag Cop" even though that's their band name now but whatever. Anyway, it's awesome. Good job guys. Buy a copy from Batshit.

Which way?

MP3: Mazes - Death House
MP3: Mazes - Wait Anyway

It's been awhile, but England produced a rockin' band again: Mazes hail from Manchester and their debut "A Thousand Heys" jams pretty hard. Here are 2 songs from it that I like a lot, and you can buy this LP come April 11th on the always great FatCat Records.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

FUCK YEAH: Hisstrottin'.

MP3: Purling Hiss - Don't Even Try It (Daytrotter Session)

Very glad to see the unstoppable force that is Purling Hiss have a Daytrotter session premiere today. It's way rad and your homework assignment today is to go download it:

I must say the art for this was a bit of a cop out though: dude just drew the "Public Service Announcement" cover. Shame.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

New Joan of Arc: Love Life

I think when it comes down to it, Joan of Arc are quite a fine band. Their new record wasn't produced by Steve Albini and it's called "Life Like", is released May 10th on Polyvinyl.

Guitarist and co-Cap'n Jazz co-hort Victor Villarreal joins the trio as full time member, playing off the electronics of the past and putting the band in a van as a regular touring unit. Whoa.

Pre-order "Life Like" here. Hurry: they're only 5 blue cassettes left dude!

Hey everybody, it's the Sandwitches!

MP3: The Sandwitches - Lightfoot
MP3: The Sandwitches - Joe Says

Something about the Sandwitches just always puts me in a cool mood. If you like cool moods, you should listen to the Sandwitches. Fun and smart tunes, sometimes they're rock and roll or sometimes they're like a pal sitting on your couch.

They're from San Francisco and "Mrs. Jones’ Cookies" is their new record, it's real killer. Out March 29th via Empty Cellar Records.


MP3: Thao & Mirah - Eleven (ft. tUnE-yArDs)

When you put 2 great songtresses together with another one on production, you're most likely to get a sure thing. Thao of Thao with the Get Down Stay Down and Mirah have high fived and teamed up with tUne-yArDs on co-production and co-playing (and on "Eleven" for songwriting) and are releasing a self titled album on Kill Rock Stars as Thao & Mirah. Should be a good one, and it's out April 26th.

New SLEEP ∞ OVER: Casual Diamond

MP3: SLEEP ∞ OVER - Casual Diamond

Glad to have a new appearance from SLEEP ∞ OVER here on the blog: "Casual Diamond" is the a side to their upcoming 7 inch single for the track, with a remix by Laurel Halo on the flip.

Stefanie Franciotti's singular vision burns bright: "Casual Diamond" is a slow dance on the stars, waltzing through your veins until you eventually explode completely. RIP, you.

Pre-order now from Hippos in Tanks.

(via Gorilla vs. Bear)


Four years later, the Boris/Merzbow collaboration originally known as "Mellow Peak" has been released. Two new songs, a Jane cover and two versions of tracks from Akuma No Uta, the track here is the title from that. Heavy.

Davey von Danceband?

Apparently that's his new modus opperandi on Human Hearts. Perhaps it's just an "every other record" formula, trying to recapture what made their second album We, The Vehicles so successful. I picked the two songs, that for lack of a better phrasing, were the most "Davey being Davey". This could all be nostalgia speaking, but The Promise Ring I still remember fondly, and I know Joey has a similar feeling, because frankly, they never did us wrong. Although I've found Maritime to never be as consistent as The Promise Ring, I always give a fair listen, and I hope you do too.

Blood red skyes.

Colin Stetson - A Dream of Water
MP3: Colin Stetson - Red Horse (Judges II)

I'm really glad that saxophonist to the stars Colin Stetson's new album "New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges" is successful with both critics and it's audience, because it really is something special. If you didn't know the score already, he basically recorded this album with no overdubs, limited guests on a handful of songs and had several mics placed through his instrument to capture every sound made. Everything you hear is sense-numbing and wonderful.

The two songs I've featured today give you a look at both sides of the album: one with guests and one without. The one without, "Red Horse (Judges II)" is easily the highlight of the whole album.