It's rare that a band actually sounds great on televison, but Late Night with Jimmy Fallon somehow has struck gold twice in a row. On Monday, Dirty Projectors killed it and last night the reunited Sunny Day Real Estate burried it playing the "Seven" from the even more seminal-er (lets make this a word) "Diary". If you missed our post on the recent great SDRE reissues, check that here and enjoy the video from Tuesday night's performance.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Besterberg, mother fuckers.

MP3: Paul Westerberg - Good As The Cat
Heyyyyy, I took a day off yesterday. Pretty cool shit. Now I'm back, and holy shit, so is Paul Westerberg who just released an ep called "PW & The Ghost Gloves Cat Wing Joy Boys" (it's title borrowing a word per song). It slays pretty fucking hard and is fine example of how this mother fucker can write a fine rock and roll tune: there's some folksy ditties and also some bluesy rockers, all of them making damn sure to sound like PW had a few pints in the basement and just jammed these. Because that's what he can do: jam the perfect song.
Between this and his recent digital output, PW is letting you know he's still your superior, and that you may lick his boots clean while you're on the ground bowing down. Fuck yeah!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Pearl Harbor ice cream cake party.

MP3: Pearl Harbor - Luv Goon
Mexican Summer has done it again: come October we can jam out the 12 inch ep of Pearl Harbor's "Something About the Chaparrals". I've been streaming "Luv Goon" on their myspace a whole ton lately and am very pleased that the mp3 has been released. It certainly does well to tide me over until the actual release. Seriously, listen to this, it's the soundtrack of your best dream, pop.
Love Is Not Pop.

MP3: El Perro Del Mar - Change of Heart
Great news! El Perro Del Mar's finely crafted "Love Is Not Pop" will finally see release in the states on Octover 20th via the Control Group. I find it to be a fine blend of the intimacy from her first record and the instrumentation from her last one, making it (wait for it) her best album yet.
She'll be coming here to tour all of the cool cities with Peter Bjorn and John for most of November. I bet that'll be a lot of fun.
10.20.09 – Other Music Free In-Store Performance (8pm) – New York, NY***
11.07.09 – 9:30 Club – Washington, DC
11.08.09 – Theater of Living Arts – Philadelphia, PA
11.09.09 – Joe’s Pub – New York, NY***
11.10.09 – Terminal 5 – New York, NY
11.11.09 – Phoenix Theatre – Toronto, ON
11.12.09 – Metro – Chicago, IL
11.13.09 – Gargoyle Club – St. Louis, MO
11.14.09 – House of Blues – Dallas, TX
11.15.09 – La Zona Rosa – Austin, TX
11.17.09 – Rialto Theater – Tuscon, AZ
11.18.09 – House of Blues – San Diego, CA
11.19.09 – Great American Music Hall – San Francisco, CA
11.20.09 – Great American Music Hall – San Francisco, CA
11.21.09 – Club Nokia – Los Angeles, CA
11.23.09 – Hotel Cafe – Los Angeles, CA***
***Headlining show
Friday, September 25, 2009
New Best Coast hit: "Wish He Was You"

Best Coast I think is the best new band of 2009. She's keeping summer alive from her lair of endless sunshine and spreading the good news across the land. Check out the new song "Wish He Was You" at her myspace now.
Also, it looks like her upcoming output should keep us busy for awhile: beyond the previously announced 7 inches on Art Fag and Group Tightener, we can expect 2 more from Black Iris and PPM. Stoked.
UPDATE: One of my fav blogs When You Awake just posted Bethany's mix for crushes. It's killer. Get it here:
Sunny Day Real Estate: the reissues.

MP3: Sunny Day Real Estate - Pheurton Skeurto
MP3: Sunny Day Real Estate - J'Nuh
Check this: Sunny Day Real Estate, aka one of the best bands of the 90's and suddenly underrated to boot, reissued their seminal "Diary" and under looked "LP2" last week with bonus tracks to boot! It didn't really sound like "Diary" or "LP2" needed remastering, but now that I've heard it I am pleased with the result.
Sub Pop was kind enough to release these on vinyl as well as cd, the first time in years they've been in print on the format (and in Diary's case, the first time the complete album made it to wax). Diary is on beautiful red vinyl and of course, LP2 is sweet pink, complimenting the overall artwork of the record like never before.
Also, you get an oral history on each album from the band and their peers and each comes with 2 bonus tracks, from out of print singles and the like. Those songs are great too, and find no troubles fitting with what came before it.
Today's mp3s, which I leave you to enjoy over the weekend and hopefully you'll buy these suckers if you haven't already, are my personal standouts on each. "Pheurton Skeurto" may not be the best song on Diary, but it always stood out to me. Being a teenager in middle class Connecticut during the late 90's and early 00's, there wasn't much "weird" sounding music going around and this was maybe my first exposure to it. It offended me and always stood out and over the years I've come to love it, it stops me in my tracks anytime it makes an appearance and demands listening. Yes, check out "Seven", "In Circles", "Song About An Angel" or "Sometimes" if you haven't heard Diary before because that is really what you're getting into, but don't forget to dig on this too.
"J'Nuh" though is a perfect representation of LP2 and what's great about it. In the liners, the band seems to enjoy listening to this album more and I can see why, while Diary had the power, LP2 had the substance and growth. Jam this, "J'Nuh" fucking rules.
Thanks Sub Pop. Maybe soon we can see a "How It Feels To Be Something On" vinyl reissue? Fingers crossed.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
On Fire.

MP3: Joensuu 1685 - I'm on Fire
NOTE: Today's contribution comes from Matt Giordano, who sent this mp3 file from zSHARE. What a fucking terrible service, as it kept finishing the download long before it was actually done. Thankfully, the great Sendspace saved the day. Is zSHARE the worst most pointless file hosting service? Fuck yeah!
I've been listening to this jam a lot lately, and it's quite the cover. Joensuu 1685 takes on the Springsteen classic "I'm On Fire" into epic levels with their near eleven minute version of song. Moreso, it's very rare that a cover can sound as relevant as the original, and their repetitive rendition subtly builds over the somewhat droney bass and drums, allocating the keyboards and squall to allow the song to soar. To be honest, I am absolutely floored by this version of song, which with the delicate vocals convey the the same fragility as the Boss's telling. Epic.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
P I Z Z A P A R T Y .

MP3: Personal & the Pizzas - I Don't Wanna Be No Personal Pizza
I'm not am not worthy, as just the other week I found out about the great Personal & the Pizzas. Their myspace says they're breaking up next month - boo-urns. These dudes play some mean pizza grease rock and roll and they love pizza. They're like you, because you love pizza too. I mean, who doesn't fucking love pizza? Seriously, download this song and get those 7 inches man. The guilt could eat you alive every minute you wait, friend.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MP3: Girls - Ghost Mouth
MP3: Girls - Life In San Francisco
Personally, I try not to buy into hype. You can typically tell when something is or is not worthy of the hysteria, but every now and then a small element in the grand image throws you off course and causes you to ultimately reject something that otherwise could've been one of the best things for you in your life.
When Girls hit the blog scene, I noticed their name coming up on all of my favourite columns yet something just wouldn't click with me. I even saw the original pressing of the "Lust For Life" 7 inch at a trusted friend's house, and was staring at it's striking cover (which is a photo of a cute girl just smiling) - I actually started to notice that trend in all of their singles, but it wasn't enough.
Lately, however, I've been trying to listen to as much new music as I can, going in blind in most cases and hoping for the best. When I came across Girls' "Album", my past reservations had faded completely, and were suddenly transformed into an overwhelming burst of curiosity. So yeah, I went for it and listened to it again and again and again. This was incredible to me, and I was kicking myself for not going to a show they played a week before when they were in town or for not picking up any of the singles when they were released last year. But I didn't feel behind really, just inspired by the greatness of this album.
In fact, I think it's safe to say I'm very glad I didn't pay attention in those early days. I love being able to take in "Lust For Life" and "Hellhole Ratrace" in the context of a record, and not as a single mp3 file. The songs actually do work on their own though, perfect for mix tapes or a quick listen on the way to the post office.
The music itself can be described as passionate and meaningful, very warmly recorded and a great example of pop music done right with sticky hooks and lyrics that are brave and honest, bundled with a kind of bravado unseen in the 21st century music environment.
Christopher Owens sings like a kind of recluse, and I find that very easy to relate to. The desires he sings about and the situations he craves spoke to me and I can see "Album" being a treasured LP in my collection for the rest of my life. I have complete faith in what's to come from these guys, and cannot wait a second for more.
Enjoy "Ghost Mouth" from "Album" and "Life In San Francisco" from the "Lust For Life" 7 inch single reissue, both from the great True Panther out this moment. Run!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Apology post

MP3: Spiritualized - On Fire (live)
NOTE: Today's contribution comes from sob story Matt Giordano. He's crying his way to the bank with today's apology post, though you'll find even when he says he's sorry he's being a bad ass mother fucker. Hide your stash, teenage America? Fuck yeah!
In case you all have noticed, I've been sending in a lot of posts lately (I've taken over Joey's job). After my last about Midnight Masses and subsequent comparison to Spiritualized I said: "Why not listen to the (sp)ace?" and such is what happened. Everyone can agree that the amount of gash Spaceman has slayed barges of gash, and much prefers to do the same. Also, looking back on the decade, one can deduce that Spiritualized has continued to be one of its most important bands (especially live), and such is the case with this take on the lead track from the bombast and gorgeous "Let It Come Down"—after all, that's all that can happen when you've been floating in space.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Flash Forward To The Good Times

MP3: Farmer Dave Scher - Flash Forward 2 The Good Times
It's a fact: "Flash Forward To The Good Times" can easily stand up against any of Farmer Dave Scher's past output, and in some cases trumps it completely. This is a perfectly laid out piece of sun pop nugs, perfect while floating around your favourite pub or pool party. Buy this record asap.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Chef, mother fuckers.

MP3: Raekwon - Ason Jones
NOTE: Today's contribution comes from professional mathlete Matt Giordano. He'll be the guy who snogs your girlfriend at tomorrow's party. Fuck yeah!
On his new album, Only Built for Cuban Linx Pt. II, Raekwon the Chef mainly focuses on the mafioso-styled rhymes for which he became famous for. The album also performs the function of a re-focusing of the Wu-Tang style and aura. However, one of its best tracks is this, a tribute to the late Ol' Dirty Bastard—a fitting, heartfelt tribute that has Rae recall the Dirty only those closest knew, not the public—an instant classic.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Japandroids full set up on Baeblemusic!
Our friends over at the great Baeblemusic have posted another great live set, this time from Japandroids who look to be pretty fucking great live. Click above for the great "Young Hearts Spark Fire" and then check out the full set right here. Give it a whirl, friend-o.
FUCK YEAH: White Shit

MP3: White Shit - Homeopathic Valtrex
The concept of White Shit is enough to split your gash in two: the dudes of Big Business get together with dudes I don't know but have to be bad ass if they can hang and make a hardcore record. That record is called "Sculpted Beef" (that's the cover up above) and it's 9 songs, one sided vinyl, out on PPM. This is the opener. This is also the rest of your month. Fuck yeah!
(mp3 found at the great Gimme Tinnitus blog)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Best Song Ever: Hit Liquor

MP3: Shudder To Think - Hit Liquor
Shudder To Think have a live album out today called "Live From Home"... but Team Love didn't send us a promo of that. I've heard the live mp3 they posted of today's song and it sounds pretty great. So go find and pick that up.
However, the best song ever is Hit Liquor, from the classic "Pony Express Record". Shudder To Think, and specifically Craig Wedren's vocals still sound strange and beyond their time even right now, and it's been over a decade since it's release. Find that album (which is way overdue for a vinyl reissue) and eat up this song.
And buy "Live From Home", which looks to be that rare great live record and maybe they'll keep playing gigs. We need you back for the long run guys, music has been soaking in the water for too long.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
REPOST: new Lightning Bolt

MP3: Lightning Bolt - Colossus
Goodbye, from the final installment of the Matt Giordano week here at the blog. Normally, it would be a cop-out to end the week with a repost, however, this new Lightning Bolt song is so fucking good that all is forgiven. Hugs and kisses? Fuck yeah!!
This post is going to be a bit strange, as it's more of a review-slash-repost of something recently. 30 August was the last of the Jelly NYC Pool Parties, and they had one of indie rock's current darlings, Grizzly Bear, close it out. The opener, Vega was one of the worst bands I have both seen and heard recently. I do not recommend. Both Beach House and Grizzly Bear performed their sleepytime music well, but it would have been much better suited for civil twilight rather than a sunny afternoon. However, my experience was bogged down by the fact that, whilst at the show, I learned the mighty Lightning Bolt was playing at the same time. It was a little disheartening knowing I was missing that monumental wall of sound for, although musically competent, less rocking acts. So yeah, check out that new Lightning Bolt joint—again and again.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hunx and His Punx pre-order!

MP3: Hunx and His Punx - U Don't Like Rock N Roll
Great news from True Panther: they are releasing a vinyl only collection of the 5 out of print singles by Hunx and His Punx. Awesomely titled "Gay Singles" (that's the brilliant cover art up above), it contains pop gemstones that are quite touching in oh so many ways.
I picked up the "Teardrops On My Telephone" 7 inch semi-recently after a friend played it for me and I was hooked. You can pre-order it now right here and it will ship on or before it's October 6th release date.
Hey True Panther or Hunx, does this come with a digital download?
Midnight (gasp) Masses.

MP3: Midnight Masses - Heaven
Hello, from another installment of the Matt Giordano week here at the blog. Originally, this was going to be a 4 day post week for the theme, but I've decided to take it into the weekend! Yes, there is one more post coming tomorrow, making it (wait for it) A COMPLETE WEEK. Look at that. What a shining star. Fuck yeah!!
Midnight Masses are, according to the press release, a band from Brooklyn that consists of various members of various other bands of varying degrees of popularity. "Heaven" is from a tour EP of the same and sounds (to me) like a mixture of Spiritualized and The Allman Brothers. Everyone loves Spiritualized (or they should). This song hints at what rocking could come next, but only if the band mainlines that same shit Spaceman was on the 90s! Trackmarks—fuck yeah!
Happy 300th mp3 post! (The Smith Westerns have a new song)

MP3: The Smith Westerns - Imagine, Pt. 3
I wasn't ready for this: while the rest of the world is still devouring their self-titled debut on Hozac a few months back, the Smith Westerns bust the fucking door down with "Imagine, Pt. 3". It's still got that sweet innocent glam fuzz that they do so perfectly, with a little bit of maturity mixed in. Keep them coming boys, one day we will enslave you and force you to make us brilliant songs daily. Beware.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
High School Record trailer

Factory 25 is giving the film "High School Record" a wide release come October. It features members of No Age, Mika Miko, Lavender Diamond and the Minutemen. I saw it when P4k had it for stream on their site and it was pretty cool. I would indeed recommend a viewing.
View the trailer and the official press release below:
Available on DVD October 27th via Factory 25, High School Record follows four awkward 17-year-olds as they struggle through their senior year. Like most high school students, they ride a continual wave of embarrassment: crappy after-school jobs, attempted sex in the science room, tinfoil shorts, guitar-strumming hippie teachers, and brushes with the law. The only difference is that their moments of humiliation are all caught on tape — our gang of four are the subjects of a documentary shot by fellow classmates. The film stars band members of No Age, Mika Miko, Lavender Diamond and Minutemen and was an official selection of Sundance, SXSW and New York Underground Film Festivals. DVD extras include 13 minutes of deleted scenes and a short film that influenced High School Record.
Factory 25 will be releasing five titles through the remainder of 2009. In addition to High School Record, the Brooklyn, NY independent film and music label will be releasing 1001 Nights featuring Damon and Naomi, Frownland directed by Ronald Bronstein, All The Way From Michigan Not Mars featuring Rosie Thomas, Sufjan Stevens and Denison Witmer and You Weren't There: A History of Chicago Punk 1977-84.

MP3: Ingenting - Halleluja
Hello, from another installment of the Matt Giordano (almost) week here at the blog. Monday being labor day is what makes it an almost week of course... but it's a week of guest posts from our favourite contributor!! Enjoy the good, the bad and the Ingenting. HooOOODOG!
Another hotly anticipated release, especially considered their last album, Mycket Väsen För Ingenting was my favorite of 2006. Well, their new one Tomhet, Idel Tomhet is out now on Labrador. Purchase and enjoy.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

MP3: The Bear Quartet - Least Loved (Of The Unloved)
Hello, from another installment of the Matt Giordano (almost) week here at the blog. Monday being labor day is what makes it an almost week of course... but it's a week of guest posts from our favourite contributor!! Enjoy the good, the bad and the Swedish. Yum!
So the most important band of the decade has a new album out today (09/09/09), and it's grand. Basically, if you don't listen to The Bear Quartet then you're a fool. Get on the fucking boat.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
New Kurt Vile: "Hunchback"

MP3: Kurt Vile - Hunchback
Another mp3 from Kurt Vile's upcoming Matador Records debut "Childish Prodigy" was released and man am I getting more and more excited. Smoke this nug and look out for the lp on October 6th. Matador is also offering a free 7 inch if you preorder from them, so do it!
The Best Song Ever: My Finger In Your Cunt

MP3: T.S.T. - My Finger In Your Cunt
Yes, it's oh so true friends, welcome to the Matt Giordano (almost) week here at the blog. Yesterday being labor day is what makes it an almost week of course... but it's a week of guest posts from our favourite contributor!! Enjoy the good, the bad and the plain fucking wacky (see today's post for example!). You're going to love it!
If you can read then you know this is the greatest song ever. I hope by now they're using two fingers.
Friday, September 04, 2009
An update regarding the mp3s...
As some of you may know, my server crashed a few months back and I lost all of the mp3 files uploaded on it which were posted in this very blog. I've been doing my best to reload all that was lost (including picture files from the early days) and it hasn't been easy. I don't have all of these files/albums anymore and some I just need to put on my computer again. The deal is, as of this post, ALL mp3s from 2009 are up and hosted, and some others scattered about are up too. The damage, at the end of the day, it that 90-95% of the mp3s will be back up, though some it seems could be lost forever.
Again, if you end up here and you aren't able to download the mp3 you want, email unicorntastic (at) gmail (dot) com and I will get it up asap if I still have (chances are good!).
Thank you for your continued patience. Look forward to next week when we will have 5 days of posts in a theme... you'll love it.
Again, if you end up here and you aren't able to download the mp3 you want, email unicorntastic (at) gmail (dot) com and I will get it up asap if I still have (chances are good!).
Thank you for your continued patience. Look forward to next week when we will have 5 days of posts in a theme... you'll love it.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
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