MP3: Big Business - Grounds For Divorce
MP3: Big Business - Start Your Digging
What you may have missed {week} nears it's end!
Big Business. Big FUCKING Business. Sure, you can look at the dudes' past bands (uhhh Karp?! Murder City Devils?!) or the fact that they're in the Melvins. That's all killer on it's own but what really counts is that Big Business are a band. An awesome band.
"Here Come the Waterworks" came out earlier this year and I fear that some people may have missed it. It's a solid effort and a fantastic follow up to their debut "Head For the Shallow". Working with producer Phil Ek (Built to Spill, most everything awesome), the dudes crafted 8 songs, all brutal and catchy (tell me "Start Your Digging" doesn't have one of the best riffs you've heard in like forever).
Part of the appeal of Big Business is their attitude. The liners are full of trophy's and giant foam number one fingers. It's nice to see people who love what they do, and you get the feeling that they would listen to themselves if someone else was making these records.
But luckily, no one else is. Thank god for Big Business. Fuck yeah!
{buy big business recordings from hydra head/blue collar distro}