MP3: Loney, Dear - A Band
MP3: Loney, Dear - I Love You (In With the Arms)
NOTE: Today's contribution comes from the Swede that never was: Matt Giordano. Last time we hung out, we were wasted and got delicious fries at like 4 in the morning. Fuck yeah.
ALSO: This is round 2 of our 2007 Loney, Dear coverage. Enjoy round 1.
This (re)release has gone somewhat under the radar, but Loney, Dear's fantastic Sologne finally hit retailers stateside. Seeing as how it's the time of year for sweaters, and about a year since I first saw him/them live (both shows in which I dragged the proprietor of this site to). I was smitten initially with the music, but it took Joey a few months to reach that level. The music is just so pretty, and like an old friend, recalls sweaters, tea and just the overall warm one gets from being around great people as the darkness and cold weather begins to surround us.
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