Here it is, the end of the week and we finally made it to what it's all about, Beachwood Sparks. Myself and Matt chose some choice jams for you to enjoy, either for a new listener or someone who was sick of seeing A) nothing or B) "By Your Side" on the mp3 blogs. Enjoy!
MP3: Beachwood Sparks - Canyon Ride
MP3: Beachwood Sparks - The Hustler
What really did it for me with the band was their strong melodies and harmonies. Their songs are just perfect bits of pop and hooks that it was impossible for me not to get addicted. I couldn't choose one song, so I chose one from each of the full lengths. The high points of both songs are the chorus', infectious and addicting and full of passion and adventure. It makes sense, I swear it!
MP3: Beachwood Sparks - You Take the Gold
Beachwood Sparks may just be the finest band of the decade. I know every time I listen to them I think just that. They did what they did so well, and "You Take The Gold" is an up tempo country number that rolls along with the ease of condensation down that glass of iced tea you're drinking on your porch right now. And seeing as how it's about the inadequacies of modern life and how the natural world should be appreciated more; and that's the sweetener.
So there you have it. What a fun week it has been and I hope we can pull together something like this soon in the future. Thanks for checking it out! For all your Beachwood Sparks needs, feel free to order some cds and vinyl from the folks at Sub Pop and to get super detailed check out the Calming Seas. They've got it all.
As a bonus, here is a video of the band playing one of my picks, "Canyon Ride", in a backyard in Los Angeles. Damn!