First and foremost, bravo to Polyvinyl. This 7 inch is on beautiful clear green vinyl and comes with a code to download the songs. I've seen this with 12 inches but 7? Amazing.
The other bravo is thrown to Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, for writing such fantastic pop rock songs. This is their first new material in 2 years (the other being their fantastically catchy "Broom" lp) and these 2 songs show nothing but further promise for such a promising band (seriously, how have they not exploded?!).
"Not Worth Fighting", the lovely A side, is powered mostly by clever guitar play and seems to be gone before it ever fully came. But those are the best songs, the ones with the great parts that go so fast they require multiple listens. This is one of those songs. Seek this one out asap.
{buy someone still loves you boris yeltsin recordings from polyvinyl}