MP3: Sleater-Kinney - You're No Rock N' Roll Fun
Hello friends and welcome to a new feature here on Fuck yeah! Go team! titled "The Best Song Ever". It's really self explanatory, this is where you'll read about our favourite songs and maybe find something new. While I enjoy doing this mp3 blog, lately it seemed to focus on new releases, which is no fun. I want this blog to representative of the music that myself, my friends and my guests love both past and present. So here is an attempt to tip the scales as they say. Enjoy.
I love and miss Sleater-Kinney. It seemed like their demise partly contributed to the lapse in rock and roll in modern music. They ended on a high note in 2005's "The Woods" on Sub Pop (also my #1 of '05), and while they are all contributing to music today with solo gigs, being a Jick/a Quasi or blogging, them and us can look back at a fulfilling career. One of their rock high points in my mind came from "All Hands On the Bad One", a Kill Rock Stars release, which featured many stand-outs but had a real classic in "You're No Rock N' Roll Fun". The song put to highlight everything that was special and enjoyable about this group and to this day still makes for fine inclusion on your mix tape.
Now where's that dvd you promised us?
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