Sunday, March 30, 2008

FUCK YEAH: The Gods have returned.

MP3: The Sword - To Take The Black

Tomorrow, "Gods Of the Earth" is released to masses, the sophomore effort for The Sword, aka the best band ever. I am mostly sure that is my album of the year (which makes 2 years in a row that a Kemado release has been my #1), and it has not left my cd player since it's arrival a few weeks back. It is a flawless record, from the start to finish. I was going to do a huge post on this but it is better to let the song speak for itself. This is why I love music. Thank you for your time.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Neva Dinova continue to dream

MP3: Neva Dinova - Will The Ladies Send You Flowers

The always solid and enjoyable Neva Dinova return with their 3rd lp proper "You May Already Be Dreaming" next month, and it is yet another winning affair. It's been awhile since we last saw the boys in 2005's "The Hate Yourself Change", but they are back with their Saddle Creek debut and while it's more of the same goodness, the band feels a bit more relaxed and focused (probably from the downtime which included equipment destroying floods and eardrum blowing bar room brawls ). "Will The Ladies Send You Flowers" is as good an example of any of this album, a lush effort that floats and stings along the way.

"You May Already Be Dreaming" is released April 8th on Saddle Creek.

{purchase neva dinova recordings from saddle creek}

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Midnight Movies

MP3: Midnight Movies - Nights In White Satin

Before receiving this wonderful ep, I was not very familiar with Midnight Movies beyond the name, but boy am I happy to know of them now. The "Nights" ep is as good an introduction as any I would think, right from the opening track that I've provided here titled "Nights In White Satin". It sounds like it's existed forever, birthed along with the Earth itself representing all that is great in the form of sound. For fans of the French language, Midnight Movies close things out with "Mes Rêves De Satin", which is the song sung in French, proving these folks are a real class act. While doing research, I've seen the term "psychedelic pop" thrown around and I am going to adopt that here as well.

This release is digital only, though it looks like a vinyl of it is on the way, and it features 6 songs (2 of them remixes, one from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Nick Zinner and the other from ex-Smashing Pumpkin and current remix master James Iha), all fantastic. Super recommended.

The "Nights" ep is available now on all digital outlets from New Line Records.

{purchase midnight movies recordings from the band}

Monday, March 24, 2008

Your Forests Are So Full Of Blueberries

The Social Services - The Baltic Sea

NOTE: Today's contribution comes from the mighty Matt Giordano, who should think about growing a mustache. Fuck yeah!

This track is pretty much a repost from It's A Trap!, because it's just that fucking good. Between Avi and Swedesplease championing stellar music from Scandiland, this stands out among some of the best I've heard in a while. The Social Services are fucking brilliant, plain and simple, and if all indie-pop were this good, then derivation wouldn't occur. Thank Thor that bands like this exist. The society should be grateful for their service. Enjoy.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fuck Buttons

Fuck Buttons - Ribs Out

Gnarly stuff right here: Fuck Buttons are a duo of dudes who make noise and add a punch of beauty for flavour. Highly recommended with drugs and gash slaying.

"Street Horrrsing" is released tomorrow on ATP Recordings.

{purchase fuck buttons recordings from insound}

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

GO TEAM: The Prigs

MP3: The Prigs - T.V. Reporter

NOTE: Today's GO TEAM contribution comes from Matt Giordano, a bro that loves himself his Prigs. Gnarly.

Not only are The Prigs good friends of mine, but they also happen to be a great band. They've been busy playing to the drunken New York City audiences for the past couple of years, and have just now released their first proper set of recordings entitled "Health Sunday United", which fits the Health Sunday ideals so well. With their bar-band atmosphere and just all-around fun loving, I'd hope The Prigs to come to more attention in the near future. Oh yeah, and their live show is fantastic. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Don't Mess With Juvelen

MP3: Juvelen - Don't Mess

Holy fuck, he's done it again! Not that it's a shocker, but after Juvelen's excellent debut ep on Hybris last year (which both me and Matt featured on our top 10 lists and both posted about here on this blog) we finally get a glimpse at what is sure to be a front runner for album of the year.

And what a song it is! The trademark falsetto is in full swing, as well as his trademark gash slaying with his lady loving lyrics and general confidence. Don't you worry Juvelen, we won't ever mess around with your love.

Download this NOW. Then buy the ep if you don't have it already. Fuck yeah.

{purchase juvelen recordings from it's a trap!}

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


MP3: Catcall - Chicky Babe

Thanks to the awesome folks at Einstein, dressed as Robin Hood for turning me onto this one.

Not sure if this one is coming stateside or not, but Australia's Catcall is radical. She's down with all your favourite bands like the Gossip, Dan Deacon, Crystal Castles and probably Zeppelin too. "Anniversary", an ep, comes out in the AU in April from Instant Touch Recordings. Look for it, just in time for spring hotness to expand and blow up on ya!